The GOP's integrity bar keeps getting lower and lower. With the Roy Moore scandal, it's currently subterranean.

Al Franken, on the other hand, promptly admitted his wrongdoings (unwanted butt pats and an unfunny frat-boy prank photo), apologized profusely, had his apology accepted, and asked to have himself investigated by the Senate. To Moore and his apologists, Franken is just another godless degenerate Democrat, obviously much, much worse than Holy Rollin' Roy -- because Franken admitted his sins and Moore denied his obvious ones. Never mind everything else.
It's the latest defense tactic for the Gross Old Pervert party -- implausible deniability. In the face of intractable truth, forget the facts, ignore the evidence, call the accusers liars, and deny, deny, deny.
Mr. Moore, did you cruise the local mall looking for sex with underage girls? "These claims are completely false. I deny them. These nine women are all lying."
Mr. Fake President, is it true that you put your hands up women's skirts, grabbed them by their pussies, moved on them like a bitch, and just started kissing them without waiting for permission? "This is a conspiracy, completely false, fake news. I deny it all. Never happened. All sixteen of these women are lying. I'll probably sue."
So all you have to do to "prove" your innocence is just say you didn't do it? How very handy. If it's really that easy, imagine how it might have worked at times in the past:
Mr. Booth, why did you shoot the president at Ford's Theater, jump down to the stage and yell "Sic semper tyrannis."? "I never did that. Wasn't me. I never go to Ford's -- that place is a dump. And I don't speak Latin. Y'all are lying."
Lizzie Borden, did you brutally murder your parents? "No, that's a lie. I categorically deny doing that. And I've never seen that axe before."
Herr Hitler, why did you systematically exterminate over six million Jews in concentration camps? "I deny that, and I resent the accusation. Some of my best friends are Jews. And those were not concentration camps, they were all-inclusive resorts. Unfortunately, sometimes people die on vacation. But the six million figure is a lie."
President Nixon, when did you learn of the Watergate break-in and why did you try to cover it up? "Let me say this about that. I did not order the break-in, I never knew anything about it, and I never ordered anyone to cover up anything. These allegations are just lies from my many enemies. I deny them. And by the way, I have never taped any conversations in the Oval Office."
Mr. Dahmer, did you murder, dismember and cannibalize 17 boys and young men? "Nope, wasn't me. That's just a lie that's been going around. Pay no attention to those body parts in my refrigerator."
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