Leave it to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to have responses to the Belgian bombings which may be nearly as horrible as the terrorist attack itself.
Trump says Belgium should do "the waterboarding." "The waterboarding would be fine. You could expand the laws more than waterboarding to get the information from these people." (By expand the laws he means ignore them.) He said a similar incident wouldn't happen here if he were president because he'd "close up our borders" and would be "very, very tough on the borders." (Donald envisions America as a gigantic gated community. He says it's worked every place he's ever lived.)
This time, Cruz may have actually trumped Trump in the battle of inflammatory hate-filled nonsense. Croozie's doozies: "We need to immediately halt the flow of refugees." (Does the U.S. actually have a flow of refugees?) "We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized." (Shades of the Gestapo! And how many Muslims does it take to make a neighborhood?) "We need to secure the southern border to prevent terrorist infiltration." (Is ISIS swimming across the Rio Grande?) "The days of the United States voluntarily surrendering to the enemy are at an end." (Surrender? Enemy? What the fuck are you talking about??)
Vote for either of these Bozos at your peril. Both are staggeringly unqualified to occupy the Oval Office.

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