One month ago, I praised the city council of Charlotte, NC, calling them "an oasis of sense and reason in a desert of dumb." They passed a resolution allowing transgender people to use the public restroom of their choice. Their vote was a figurative flip-off to their fear-mongering governor Pat McCrory (R), who had expressed his support for an NC bill pushed by conservative Christians which would essentially legalize discrimination against LGBT people.
Charlotte's ordinance was negated when McCrory signed the bill into law on Wednesday. He claimed he needed to do it for reasons of statewide uniformity: "We must have consistency in North Carolina's anti-tranny pee-pee codes." His new law goes way beyond bathrooms. Tar Heel rednecks may now gleefully display their prejudices in any number of hateful yet lawful ways.
Perhaps not for long. Reaction to the new NC law has been swift and negative. Major businesses publicly standing in opposition include Google, Dow Chemical, PayPal, the NBA, the NCAA, Biogen, American Airlines, Bayer, Apple, IBM, Salesforce and Facebook. Many more to follow.
You may recall that Indiana tried this same "faith-based" bullshit a year ago, and wound up immediately amending their new law in the face of public outcry and corporate pressure.
Such laws are ugly, unnecessary, bad for business, and unconstitutional. They belong in the toilet. But they keep coming. Georgia is on the brink of passing a similar law.
Christian bigots are the worst. They never learn, because they believe their "faith" excuses them from doing so.

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