"Every night we fuss and fight like Arabs and like Jews" --
Monkey See, Monkey Do, by Michael Franks, from the LP
The Art of Tea, released in 1976.
First, a little history. Jews, Christians and Muslims have jointly resided in the Middle East for most of recorded time, and have yet to figure out a way to live together peacefully.
The area generally known as Gaza has always been a significant piece of real estate, lying as it does along the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. It's been a geopolitical football for thousands of years. It has been ruled and/or occupied by the ancient Egyptians, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, Arab Muslim dynasties, Christian Crusaders, the Mongols, the Ottoman Empire, Egypt again, British Colonial Palestine (after World War I), Egypt again, Israel (after the Six-Day War of 1967), and since 1993, Gaza has been under the control of the Palestinian Authority, which also oversees the Golan Heights, and Jericho, Bethlehem, Nablus and other towns in the West Bank. There is still no true Palestinian state.
Israel maintained a military presence in Gaza from 1993 until 2005, when it finally withdrew completely. During that time, Israel constructed "security fencing" and a buffer zone to completely enclose the Gaza Strip along its eastern and northern borders, and built a wall along the Egyptian border to the south. Israel deployed its naval vessels to patrol Gaza's Mediterranean coastline. There were just a handful of border crossings
In a 2006 surprise, the militantly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel political party Hamas won Palestinian elections and took over the administration of Gaza. Calling Hamas a terrorist organization, Israel promptly locked down all the border crossings and instituted an economic embargo as well. The situation continues to this day.
So here we are. The Gaza Strip is 7 miles wide by 32 miles long. It is densely populated with 1.8 million Palestinian people, with a per capita annual income of $3100 U.S. It is blockaded on all sides. It currently has only three border crossings, which are rarely open. It is effectively a concentration camp with a beautiful ocean view.
In such conditions, it's hardly surprising that some Gazans dig tunnels and fire rockets into Israel. They're captives and they're pissed. It's no surprise that Israel fires back. Some folks are taking pot-shots at them and they're pissed. Like always, a cease-fire will be negotiated, but it won't last long. It never does. One side or the other will do something provocative, and the cycle will start up again soon enough.
In the current round of violence, it's bully vs. bully -- Israel's Bibi Netanyahu and Hamas's Khaled Meshaal. Two ultra-conservative, unyielding, belligerent "leaders" engaged in a hopeless, childish and brutal blame-game. Whose "fault" is it? Who "started it"?
Who friggin cares?! This crap has gone on so long, no one can remember who started what, or when, or why.
Israel says it occupies the high moral ground, but it's a dubious claim. They've essentially imprisoned 2 million people and called it "self-defense." Whenever some of the inmates get uppity and shoot unguided mortars and RPG's over the barbed wire (and yes, that's bad business, inexcusable), the Israeli army squashes the gnat with a sledgehammer. Militarily, it's no contest -- Israel is shooting fish in a barrel. But for all their technology and precision targeting, the Israelis sure seem to miss their mark a lot. "Oh snap! Did we blow up your apartment building/school/mosque/power plant/U.N. shelter
again? Oops! We're sorry." The casualties are almost all on the Palestinian side, and most are civilians, not Hamas fighters. Bibi's idea of self-defense looks a lot like indiscriminate large-scale destruction, and Israel looks like the bigger bully.
What has either side gained with all this slaughter? What has really changed? Nothing. The blockade will go on. Gaza will rebuild. Tunnels will be dug again, rockets will fly, tanks will roll.
A genuine "two-state solution" is the only path to peace, everybody knows it, and yet it seems further away than ever. And as long as both of these stiff dicks insist on having the last word, the last strike, the last bomb, it will never end. It's not a war, it's back-and-forth revenge terrorism -- a pointless perpetual motion machine where each act of retaliation begets another.
The State of Israel has a right to exist. A Palestinian State has an equal right to exist.
I'm not pro-Hamas. I'm not anti-Israel. I'm just pro-peace. Good luck to me, eh?