Thursday, July 31, 2014
Judge John Hodgman Rules
"Richard" writes:
My aunt, who has lived in Brooklyn all her 80-plus years, had surgery to implant artificial hips. She says she is now entitled to be called a "hipster." I disagree and say she has no right to claim this title. Who is correct?
Judge John Hodgman rules:
Unless her new hip is fashioned out of reclaimed, dovetail-jointed oak salvaged from sunken pre-Prohibition rye whiskey barrels, the answer is: She is not a hipster. She is just making an age-appropriately-corny pun. Thank goodness you are there to ruin your nice old auntie's fun!
P.S. That's sarcasm, you miserable hipster.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Britney Sue Has A Baby
Just back from my wife's high school reunion, and I think I need a vacation to recover. One of her classmates, Thomas D., had us in tears laughing as he went off on an improv riff about people having babies where he lives in rural western Virginia. Thomas is an odd combination -- off-the-charts super-intelligent and incredibly amusing. Don't know what got him started, but soon people were choking and peeing their pants. His perfect mimicry of the local mountain accent had something to do with it, I'm sure. What follows is inspired by and ripped off from Thomas. I'm sure I screwed it up pretty good and it'll lose a lot in the translation to the printed word. It was one of those things where you just had to be there! But I gave it a shot anyway. Try to read it to yourself with as much of an Andy Griffith/Mayberry twang as you can manage. With apologies, here's to you, Thomas!
Britney Sue and Cody wuz livin' in Cody's trailer up in the holler by the crick. Her mama Lurleen had always wearied herseff near to death with Britney Sue, 'counta her bein' so wild and stubborn-like. But Britney Sue wuz purt-near 17 and a half when she finally got herseff pregnant, and Lurleen reckoned it didn't make no nevermind now, so she let her move into the trailer with Cody. He wuz jes about 19 and a good kid. Had him job at the Super Dollar grocery down into Grundy. They wuz gonna git married as soon as he could git on the full time hours.
Bein' in the family way, Britney Sue went to the free clinic in town to get herseff checked out and the doctor told her she had the Tattoo Diabeeteeze. She weren't too surprised. Britney Sue always took after her mama, and Lurleen and her kin wuz all real heavy-set people. Most of 'em had the same Tattoo Diabeeteeze, tho' some had the Tat One. Lurleen always said a low metallurgic rate run in the family and that's why they wuz all over-weight. Aunt Nettie Merle even had her that drastic bypass surgery and lost seven pounds. Britney Sue had to cut way back on her co-colas and Krispy Kremes, so's not to give the baby the sugar.
And she cut back some on chores too, 'cause Lurleen kep' on tellin' her about MayBelle Hotchkins up on the ridge. MayBelle wuz 'bout 8 months along and one day she fell offa her stool hangin' the worsh out on the line. She was fine, but a month later when MayBelle dropped her calf, Lurleen said the biblical cord wuz wrapped all 'round that baby's poor lil neck an' it were bluer'n a Smurf. Lurleen said it wuz her fallin' offa that durn stool what done it and the only safe thing for Britney Sue wuz to sit on the sofa and watch Dr. Phil.
Comin' as she did from a long line of big people, Britney Sue did try to help herseff a bit. She decided she should smoke an extree pack of Misty's ever' day -- ya know, jes to keep the birth weight down so her young'un might slip on out a bit easier. Lurleen allowed as that weren't sech a bad ideal.
Time went by and a'fore ya knew it, Britney Sue's due date wuz come and gone. She wuz bigger'n a Buick but ain't nuthin' happened and she wuz plumb outta patience. So she and Cody got in the Trans Am and she made him drive over all them bumpy ol' roads back up in the holler. She reckoned all that bouncin' might hurry things up some.
Well, they shore bounced along and banged their heads on the roof and purt-near busted the springs on the Trans Am. Oncet or twicet, Cody thought he mighta even dropped the transmission. But the car wuz OK and nuthin' happened with Britney Sue either. "Well shit, Cody," sez Britney Sue, "we may's well head home."
But then no sooner than they wuz pullin' onto the good road, her waters broke. Lordy, them antibiotic fluids went all over the Trans Am's front seat and the floor mats too. Then jes like that, her contraptions started. Cody said they might maybe oughta call 911 for the am-bew-lance, but Britney Sue said to jes drive her to the hospital on down into Grundy.
By the time they got there, her contraptions wuz jes 5 minutes apart and Britney Sue had her baby directly -- a healthy 12 pound, 9 ounce boy. His proper name is Dale Earl, but they're callin' him "Tank" jes now. Britney Sue said she's shorely glad she smoked all them extree Mistys, else Tank'd a been a 16-pounder easy.
Lurleen told Cody he'd better get him some club soda right quick-like and clean out that Trans Am a'fore it started to smell like Myrtle Beach at low tide.
Can't wait for the lovely Mrs. Gammons to have her next reunion!
Britney Sue and Cody wuz livin' in Cody's trailer up in the holler by the crick. Her mama Lurleen had always wearied herseff near to death with Britney Sue, 'counta her bein' so wild and stubborn-like. But Britney Sue wuz purt-near 17 and a half when she finally got herseff pregnant, and Lurleen reckoned it didn't make no nevermind now, so she let her move into the trailer with Cody. He wuz jes about 19 and a good kid. Had him job at the Super Dollar grocery down into Grundy. They wuz gonna git married as soon as he could git on the full time hours.
Bein' in the family way, Britney Sue went to the free clinic in town to get herseff checked out and the doctor told her she had the Tattoo Diabeeteeze. She weren't too surprised. Britney Sue always took after her mama, and Lurleen and her kin wuz all real heavy-set people. Most of 'em had the same Tattoo Diabeeteeze, tho' some had the Tat One. Lurleen always said a low metallurgic rate run in the family and that's why they wuz all over-weight. Aunt Nettie Merle even had her that drastic bypass surgery and lost seven pounds. Britney Sue had to cut way back on her co-colas and Krispy Kremes, so's not to give the baby the sugar.
And she cut back some on chores too, 'cause Lurleen kep' on tellin' her about MayBelle Hotchkins up on the ridge. MayBelle wuz 'bout 8 months along and one day she fell offa her stool hangin' the worsh out on the line. She was fine, but a month later when MayBelle dropped her calf, Lurleen said the biblical cord wuz wrapped all 'round that baby's poor lil neck an' it were bluer'n a Smurf. Lurleen said it wuz her fallin' offa that durn stool what done it and the only safe thing for Britney Sue wuz to sit on the sofa and watch Dr. Phil.
Comin' as she did from a long line of big people, Britney Sue did try to help herseff a bit. She decided she should smoke an extree pack of Misty's ever' day -- ya know, jes to keep the birth weight down so her young'un might slip on out a bit easier. Lurleen allowed as that weren't sech a bad ideal.
Time went by and a'fore ya knew it, Britney Sue's due date wuz come and gone. She wuz bigger'n a Buick but ain't nuthin' happened and she wuz plumb outta patience. So she and Cody got in the Trans Am and she made him drive over all them bumpy ol' roads back up in the holler. She reckoned all that bouncin' might hurry things up some.
Well, they shore bounced along and banged their heads on the roof and purt-near busted the springs on the Trans Am. Oncet or twicet, Cody thought he mighta even dropped the transmission. But the car wuz OK and nuthin' happened with Britney Sue either. "Well shit, Cody," sez Britney Sue, "we may's well head home."
But then no sooner than they wuz pullin' onto the good road, her waters broke. Lordy, them antibiotic fluids went all over the Trans Am's front seat and the floor mats too. Then jes like that, her contraptions started. Cody said they might maybe oughta call 911 for the am-bew-lance, but Britney Sue said to jes drive her to the hospital on down into Grundy.
By the time they got there, her contraptions wuz jes 5 minutes apart and Britney Sue had her baby directly -- a healthy 12 pound, 9 ounce boy. His proper name is Dale Earl, but they're callin' him "Tank" jes now. Britney Sue said she's shorely glad she smoked all them extree Mistys, else Tank'd a been a 16-pounder easy.
Lurleen told Cody he'd better get him some club soda right quick-like and clean out that Trans Am a'fore it started to smell like Myrtle Beach at low tide.
Can't wait for the lovely Mrs. Gammons to have her next reunion!
Grammar Lesson From GOP English Teachers
A three-judge panel from the D.C. District court recently ruled 2 to 1 (2 R's to 1 D) that ACA/Obamacare customers are entitled to premium subsidies only via state-run health insurance exchanges. According to this pair of idiotically ideological judges, all who buy coverage through federally-run exchanges (36 states, including Ohio) do not qualify for any premium subsidies. That's because the section of the aw dealing with subsidy calculation refers to exchanges "established by the state." No mention of "federal" exchanges.
Never mind that the word "state" is frequently used to mean the entire government (e.g., separation of church and state), this ruling is slicing the baloney ridiculously thin. Do these two judges really believe that their interpretation is what our lawmakers intended? Would they really remove millions of people from the ranks of the insured just to teach Congress a grammar lesson?
Remember that Republicans are the party which pretends the yargle-bargle language of the 2nd Amendment is a model of perfect clarity in protecting my individual right to arm bears or whatever. These dopes are not English teachers and they have no business criticizing sloppy sentence construction, in law or anywhere else.
The panel's ruling is B.S. and it will not stand.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Women, It's Time To Incorporate The Cookie!
Obamacare Is A Fraud!
The GAO recently conducted a test of the website and today they released the results. In 11 of 18 attempts, GAO employees were able to sign up for coverage on the site by intentionally using false identification.
It was Darrell Issa's wet dream come to life. Exercising their usual good judgment and sense of decorum, Congressional R's went gleefully nuts and screamed, "Fraud! Widespread fraud! Obamacare is a fraud and we gotcha now!"
Except . . . why would anyone want or need to use any sort of fake ID to get coverage when you could get the same coverage as yourself, without faking anything?
And if you do sign up with a fake ID, what you get is health insurance, not cash.
And even if you lie about your income to get a large premium subsidy, that money will go to the insurance company, not you.
So tell me again about this horrible, obvious "fraud."
As Gilda Radner's Emily Litella used to say, "Oh. Never mind."
Understanding Medical Terminology
ARTERY The study of fine paintings
BARIUM What you do when CPR fails
A district in old Rome
COLIC A kind of sheep dog
COMA A punctuation mark
CONGENITAL Very friendly
DILATE To live a long time
FESTER The opposite of slower
G.I. SERIES Military baseball playoffs
GRIPPE An old-fashioned suitcase
HANGNAIL The usual coat hook
MEDICAL STAFF A doctor’s cane
Coal digging
MORBID A much higher offer
NITRATE Usually lower than the day rate
NODE Was aware of
ORGANIC Kind of music played in church
OUTPATIENT A person who has fainted
POST-OPERATIVE A letter carrier
PROTEIN Very tolerant of young people
SECRETION A tendency to hide things
SEROLOGY The study of English knighthood
TABLET A small table
TUMOR An extra pair
URINE Opposite of you’re out
They're Doing It Again
What follows are excerpts from a NY Times article, "Easy Credit, Hard to Repay", published 7/20/14. Buster knows a little bit about the auto financing/leasing arena. A collateralized debt obligation (CDO) secured with high-quality auto loan paper is one thing, but mixing in large quantities of bad "special finance" paper is quite another. It's the same sort of risky business that caused the Crash of 2008, and they're doing it again. It's shameful. I don't want to invest in that crap, and neither do you.
Millions of Americans with shoddy credit are easily obtaining auto loans from car dealers, including some who fabricate or ignore borrowers' abilities to repay and take advantage of the most desperate, least financially sophisticated customers. The surge in this sort of lending and the lack of caution resembles the frenzied subprime mortgage market before its implosion set off the 2008 financial crisis.
Just like those toxic subprime mortgages before them, now many subprime auto loans are bundled into complex bonds and sold by banks as securities. Just like before, they market these "investments" to insurance companies, mutual funds and public pension funds -- a process that creates ever-greater demand for loans.
Investors recently flocked to buy a bond issue from Prestige Financial Services of Utah. Orders to invest in the $390 million debt deal were four times greater than the amount of available securities. Prestige specializes in making auto loans to people in bankruptcy, packaging them into securities and then selling them to investors.
"It's been a hot space," said the firm's COO. Since 2009, total auto loan securitizations have surged 150%.
Much like mortgages, subprime auto loans go through Wall Street's securitization machine: Thousands of loans are pooled into bonds. Rating agencies assess the quality of the bonds. Just like before, these agencies are helping fuel the boom by giving many of these securities top ratings, which clears the way for major investors, from pension funds to employee retirement accounts, to buy the bonds. In March, Standard & Poor's blessed most of Prestige's bond with a triple-A rating.
For the full article plus a good video, click the link. The article includes several accounts of unsuspecting saps who were conned, swindled, hoodwinked and hornswaggled into buying far more car than they could ever hope to repay. It's not really their fault, but their car loans are shit. And now they're probably part of a BlackRock mutual fund. Goody.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Sister Norma Has A Message For Rick Perry
![]() |
Sister Norma Pimentel |
Sister Norma wants Perry to know that "Jesus did not say, 'I was hungry and you asked for my papers.'"
(I'm not religious, but I'm not above it either.)
Monday, July 21, 2014
The Gap Is Unbridgeable. Might As Well Piss 'Em Off Royally.
The plight of the Central American refugee children illustrates the unbridgeable gap between conservative and liberal mindsets. Liberals are generally in favor of giving these hard-knock kids a safe home here in the U.S. But conservatives are all about saying "no." They want to send them all back home to be murdered, more or less immediately.
Texas Gov. Rick "The Dick" Perry says he's gonna mobilize up to 1000 National Guardsmen and station them along the border, saying "I will not stand idly by while our citizens are under assault." The Texas-Mexico border is 1254 miles long. If the Guardsmen are evenly spaced, that's one man every mile and a quarter. Brilliant, Rick. That should stop the "assault" in its tracks. (And despite Perry's new professorial eyeglasses, it ought to confirm his unsuitability for higher office, let alone his current one.)
Conservative simpletons want to wall off the entire country -- border security! -- while they simultaneously rip President Obama a new one for not "controlling" world events to their satisfaction. Yep, they want to lock the world out and tell the world how to behave at the same time. They see no contradiction in this, and believe they could do it easily. Right.
For his part, Obama is pussyfooting on this one, calling it a humanitarian crisis (which it is) and also working to deport these hopeless kids with all deliberate speed. WTF?? He's looking for middle ground where none exists.
Hey, Cuz! The right-tards hate you anyway, so quit trying to appease the unappeasable. If you want to piss off a conservative, do it good and proper. Let's take these kids in. What are we afraid of?
Global Warming Update
Scientists Politely Remind World That Clean Energy Technology Ready To Go Whenever
CAMBRIDGE, MA—Stating that they just want to make sure it’s something everyone keeps in mind going forward, an international consortium of scientists gently reminded the world Wednesday that clean energy technologies are pretty much ready to go anytime. “We’ve got solar, wind, geothermal—we’re all set to move forward with this stuff whenever everyone else is,” said Dr. Sandra Eakins, adding that researchers are also doing a lot of pretty amazing things with biomass these days. “Again, we’re good to go on this end, so just let us know. You seriously should see these new hydrogen fuel cells we have. Anyway, just say the word, and we’ll start rolling it out.” At press time, representatives from the world’s leading economies had signaled that they would continue to heavily rely on fossil fuels until they had something more than an overwhelming scientific consensus to go on.
Sniff A Fart, Prevent Cancer?
A recent study from the University of Exeter in the U.K. seemed to indicate that inhaling the flatulence of others could actually reduce the chances of contracting cancer.
Alas, it ain't really true. Which is a shame. Given the combined gaseous output of the lovely Mrs. Gammons, Buster Jr., the two dogs and the cat, for a moment I was feeling rather immortal.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Word Crimes
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Son Of A Beach
Observations and musings after a fortnight at the shore.
They travel in packs. Hillbillies -- and their more refined brethren, Hillwilliams -- like to travel in packs and bunk together. They ignore the maximum occupancy rules. There are a couple units down here bursting at the seams with people. And I'm sad to say, many of them are from Maryland. (Buster has deep familial roots in Maryland.)
World Cup carryover? This year, for the first time I can recall, soccer balls outnumbered footballs on the beach.
Botched bocce. Bocce is a popular beach game. The broad expanse of hard-packed sand makes an ideal court for a bocce game. Note to first-timers: Bocce balls are bowled underhand, not pitched like baseballs. And the game does not involve rolling the balls into holes dug in the sand. That would be golf.
The tattoo wars are over. And I lost. It's quite apparent that the lovely Mrs. Gammons and I are the last two people on earth without a tattoo.
Just like home. Back home, I'm the volunteer manager of our community pool. Some of the kids call me the "janitor", because I often pick up trash around the grounds. Down here, some people (Maryland hillbillies) leave their detritus all over the pool deck and courtyard -- cups, cans, orange peels, cigarette butts, bottle caps, etc. The concept of "trash can" eludes them, or maybe they're waiting for the maid. Just like home, I pick it up. Jacques Custodian!
Sunday services. Here's a definite sign of the south. The cable TV service in our condo has 77 channels and on Sundays, a full 14 of them are dedicated to Bible-thumping. When you're down here, you're given every opportunity to get right with God.
Buy two cars and they give you a howitzer. Another sign of the south. A local car dealership, Addy's Harbor Dodge, is running a big promotion right now. If you buy a new car, they'll give you a free shotgun or rifle. Seriously.
Audio beach foul? Ruling needed. There are various beach fouls. The two most common are 1. Inconsiderate people who ignore the personal space buffer zone and get unnecessarily close, and 2. Improper swimwear, which usually means too much person stuffed into not enough swimsuit. But is too much music a beach foul?
The other day I found myself in a Bermuda Triangle of audio overload, in the midst of three radios/boomboxes. One was playing country (duh!), one was tuned to a local top-40 radio station, and one was playing a 60s/70s channel on XM radio. All three were in competition and none of them could be heard for long over the others. It was just music cubed, and it was sort of annoying. At least they weren't playing the Rush Limbaugh Show or the Come To Jesus Hour. I might have stroked out right then and there. But was it a genuine beach foul? I'm uncertain, so I'm gonna need a ruling on this. Consider, discuss, and get back to me.
Can't fool Mother Nature. A few readers may recall that 15 years ago, give or take, there was a big dredging and beach reclamation project all along the Grand Strand. The difference between low and high tides here has always been dramatic -- perhaps 250 feet of beach width or more -- but back then, beach erosion was allowing high tides to cover the entire beach and come perilously close to beach-front buildings. So they dredged up a bunch of sand, built up the beaches, and established a protective barrier of sand dunes. To a large extent, it worked. The dunes look great, but there's no stopping beach erosion. Now the full-moon high tides come right up to the dunes, and again the beach virtually disappears. It's a reminder of who's really in charge. Sooner or later, Mother Nature will always reclaim your reclamation project. Especially at the shore.
Nature lovers. Today, some of the Maryland Mensa Society managed to find a turtle. Decent size, too -- maybe 10 inch diameter shell. Where did they find a turtle? On the dunes. Are you allowed to be on the dunes? Hell no! That's why they're roped off and have signs that say, "Stay Off the Dunes". What did they do with the turtle? Brought it up to their condo and let six little kids fuck with it and try to feed it potato chips. Brilliant. At least it wasn't a loggerhead. It was a standard-issue box turtle, but still, where were the grown-ups? They were messing with the turtle, just like the kids. I hope somebody put the poor turtle back in the dunes.
You can always count on the Particular Individual. You can count on him to turn the most superficial, innocuous little pleasantries into something unnecessarily hateful and political. (Regular readers may recall the Particular Individual, or P.I., as a hardcore ultra-conservative retiree -- a friend of a friend, and a regular during our vacations down here.)
One morning, we encountered each other on the beach. I was carrying one of my beach reads, a work of historical nonfiction. P.I. asked, "What are you reading?" I showed him the cover and recited the title: "Lawrence In Arabia." "What's it about?", he asked. I told him it was about the famous British soldier T.E. Lawrence and the Eastern Front during World War I, and I read him the subtitle, "War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East."
He harrumphed and said, "I wonder what they'll write about our country ten years from now -- how America turned into a Socialist nation."
Oh please! Too damn early for all your wrong-ass shit, P.I.! I didn't say a word, just silently stared out to sea, and P.I. walked away. What a douchebag.
World Cup carryover? This year, for the first time I can recall, soccer balls outnumbered footballs on the beach.
Botched bocce. Bocce is a popular beach game. The broad expanse of hard-packed sand makes an ideal court for a bocce game. Note to first-timers: Bocce balls are bowled underhand, not pitched like baseballs. And the game does not involve rolling the balls into holes dug in the sand. That would be golf.
The tattoo wars are over. And I lost. It's quite apparent that the lovely Mrs. Gammons and I are the last two people on earth without a tattoo.
Just like home. Back home, I'm the volunteer manager of our community pool. Some of the kids call me the "janitor", because I often pick up trash around the grounds. Down here, some people (Maryland hillbillies) leave their detritus all over the pool deck and courtyard -- cups, cans, orange peels, cigarette butts, bottle caps, etc. The concept of "trash can" eludes them, or maybe they're waiting for the maid. Just like home, I pick it up. Jacques Custodian!
Sunday services. Here's a definite sign of the south. The cable TV service in our condo has 77 channels and on Sundays, a full 14 of them are dedicated to Bible-thumping. When you're down here, you're given every opportunity to get right with God.
Buy two cars and they give you a howitzer. Another sign of the south. A local car dealership, Addy's Harbor Dodge, is running a big promotion right now. If you buy a new car, they'll give you a free shotgun or rifle. Seriously.
Audio beach foul? Ruling needed. There are various beach fouls. The two most common are 1. Inconsiderate people who ignore the personal space buffer zone and get unnecessarily close, and 2. Improper swimwear, which usually means too much person stuffed into not enough swimsuit. But is too much music a beach foul?
The other day I found myself in a Bermuda Triangle of audio overload, in the midst of three radios/boomboxes. One was playing country (duh!), one was tuned to a local top-40 radio station, and one was playing a 60s/70s channel on XM radio. All three were in competition and none of them could be heard for long over the others. It was just music cubed, and it was sort of annoying. At least they weren't playing the Rush Limbaugh Show or the Come To Jesus Hour. I might have stroked out right then and there. But was it a genuine beach foul? I'm uncertain, so I'm gonna need a ruling on this. Consider, discuss, and get back to me.
Can't fool Mother Nature. A few readers may recall that 15 years ago, give or take, there was a big dredging and beach reclamation project all along the Grand Strand. The difference between low and high tides here has always been dramatic -- perhaps 250 feet of beach width or more -- but back then, beach erosion was allowing high tides to cover the entire beach and come perilously close to beach-front buildings. So they dredged up a bunch of sand, built up the beaches, and established a protective barrier of sand dunes. To a large extent, it worked. The dunes look great, but there's no stopping beach erosion. Now the full-moon high tides come right up to the dunes, and again the beach virtually disappears. It's a reminder of who's really in charge. Sooner or later, Mother Nature will always reclaim your reclamation project. Especially at the shore.
Nature lovers. Today, some of the Maryland Mensa Society managed to find a turtle. Decent size, too -- maybe 10 inch diameter shell. Where did they find a turtle? On the dunes. Are you allowed to be on the dunes? Hell no! That's why they're roped off and have signs that say, "Stay Off the Dunes". What did they do with the turtle? Brought it up to their condo and let six little kids fuck with it and try to feed it potato chips. Brilliant. At least it wasn't a loggerhead. It was a standard-issue box turtle, but still, where were the grown-ups? They were messing with the turtle, just like the kids. I hope somebody put the poor turtle back in the dunes.
You can always count on the Particular Individual. You can count on him to turn the most superficial, innocuous little pleasantries into something unnecessarily hateful and political. (Regular readers may recall the Particular Individual, or P.I., as a hardcore ultra-conservative retiree -- a friend of a friend, and a regular during our vacations down here.)
One morning, we encountered each other on the beach. I was carrying one of my beach reads, a work of historical nonfiction. P.I. asked, "What are you reading?" I showed him the cover and recited the title: "Lawrence In Arabia." "What's it about?", he asked. I told him it was about the famous British soldier T.E. Lawrence and the Eastern Front during World War I, and I read him the subtitle, "War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East."
He harrumphed and said, "I wonder what they'll write about our country ten years from now -- how America turned into a Socialist nation."
Oh please! Too damn early for all your wrong-ass shit, P.I.! I didn't say a word, just silently stared out to sea, and P.I. walked away. What a douchebag.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Return Of The Prodigal
I seriously do not believe it, but LeBron James -- The Chosen One, King James, LBJ, BronBron -- has decided to take his talents back to Cleveland. As a sports fan and an Ohioan, this makes me happy. James immediately makes the Cavaliers a better team. (He'd make any team better.)
Given the way he left four years ago -- "The Decision" -- he'll have some PR work to do, some bridges to mend. But soon enough, most fans will welcome him back as if he'd never left.
But I wonder how his wife is taking it . . .
LBJ: Honey, I have big news!
Mrs. LBJ: Yeah, what's that?
LBJ: We're leaving South Beach.
Mrs. LBJ: Oh really? And where are we going?
LBJ: Akron!
Mrs. LBJ: #@*%#!!!!
Refuge Denied??
Over the past several months, 50,000 children from Central America have flooded our southern border. They're fleeing gang violence and a brutal existence in their native countries. It's so bad that parents willingly give up their kids and send them thousands of miles away in the uncertain hope of a better life for them.
The odds of being murdered in New York City are 1 in 275,000.
The odds of being murdered in Honduras are 1 in 1100. Do the math.
It's an unusual situation, a genuine humanitarian crisis/refugee exodus, and it's brought out the worst in us.
Shameful anti-immigration protesters in Murrieta, California blocked the roadway and forced buses transporting these children to turn around and take a different route. The road-blockers shouted angry slogans, brandished ugly signs and did their best to act like perfect assholes. Welcome to America, kids!
Small-minded critics on both the right and the left have complained because Obama hasn't agreed to travel to, say, the Texas border for some "photo-ops". Photos? Some are calling it his "Katrina moment". What a silly thing to want. How does having his picture taken accomplish anything?
Intolerant conservative cranks like Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla) are calling for immediate deportation of the children. They're bitching about "border security" and asking for more fences. "Send 'em all back home," they cry.
That's not gonna happen, at least not right away. It can't. We have a legal duty to bring these children into our country safely and care for them until we figure out what to do with them. (Technically, under U.S. law, they may not be "refugees".) But due to the unprecedented numbers, the government needs $3.7 billion to do it properly, and now the GOP is whining about "giving Obama another blank check." Another? WTF? What's he gonna do, blow it all on a big night out with Michelle?
We're bouncing between terminal cruelty on the one hand and pathetic indecision on the other. It's making us look foolish.
Whatever the technicalities, there's only one thing to do -- the right thing. This is indeed a humanitarian crisis, so we must act humanely by giving these children a safe haven and a secure legal status, as fast as possible. We can't just coldly deport all of them. Do you really want to send them back where they came from? Do you really believe our country should do that?
Back in 1939 in the early days of World War II, the passenger steamship Saint Louis sailed from Hamburg, Germany with 937 German Jews on board. They were looking to find refuge across the Atlantic, far away from the Nazi craziness. (A book and a movie, Voyage of the Damned, dealt with the story.)
At every port it tried in the U.S., Cuba and Canada, the Saint Louis was turned away due to technicalities with the legal definition of "refugee". Eventually, the ship was forced to return to Belgium and the war in Europe. Most of its passengers did not survive that war. Many died in concentration camps.
That was then. This is now. Have we learned anything?
Test Your Redneck Knowledge
Recently, while driving in the American south, I observed a pickup truck with a large decal in the rear window. It read "God & Guns", beneath two crossed pistols. I noticed a couple other details in this chance encounter with authentic redneck culture.
Test your redneck knowledge with this short quiz:
1. What was the make of the pickup truck?
a. Chevy
b. Ford
c. Dodge
d. Toyota
2. Describe the driver.
a. White male
b. White female
c. Black male
d. Female Pakistani anesthesiologist
3. What was the driver wearing?
a. LaCoste polo shirt
b. Tuxedo
c. Sleeveless tee-shirt
d. Nothing
4. What was worn on the driver's head?
a. Fedora
b. Stocking cap
c. Snap-back foam trucker cap
d. Cowboy hat
5. What was the truck equipped with?
a. Trailer hitch
b. Gun rack
c. "No-bama" bumper sticker
d. All of the above
The correct answers, in order, are: c, a, c, c, d. If you got all of them right, congratulations! You certainly know your redneck culture. And you know enough to be very careful in West Virginia and all points south.
Vital Tattoo Question
If a full arm's worth of lovely tattoos is called a "sleeve", what do you call a leg covered in tattoos? "Pants"?
Thank You, John McCain
According Sarah Palin, President Obama should be impeached for his "years of abuse" and "hundreds of impeachable offenses."
Like what, Sarah?
"Oh, you know, kinda like the newspapers, books and magazines I read -- all of 'em!"
Thank you, John McCain, for releasing this ridiculous, incoherent bimbo upon the world.
GOP To Obama: "We're Suing You For Not Enforcing What We Hate"
Republicans have always hated the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare for lots of not-so-good reasons. Small employers had to get with program by 2014, but the R's screamed "jobs killer", so Obama gave them an extra year to comply. The R's went nuts when some existing substandard individual plans were cancelled by insurance companies, and those individuals had to pay more to get a real insurance policy. "We told you rates would go up," they hollered, so Obama gave those another year to stay on their old covers-nothing, half-assed policy.
The president gave the GOP two things it wanted and granted more leeway for small companies and certain individuals. He did it by Executive Order. And what thanks does he get from the Republicans?
The Screaming Orange Man says the House will sue him for abuse of his Executive Order privileges in not fully implementing that law they tried so hard to repeal -- Obamacare.
"We hate Obamacare, and we're gonna sue you for not enforcing it!"
Good luck with that, Mr. Boner.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
"Now They've Gone Too Far!"
Got a postcard in the mail today from my long-lost crazy second cousin, twice removed, Earl Pitts-Gammons, of Bugtussle, Arkansas. Had to share it with you.
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Cousin Earl Pitts-Gammons |
You know what makes me sick? Did you read about the Target stores? Now they've gone too far!
Target is officially "asking" all customers nationwide to leave their guns at home before shopping at a Target store. Can you believe it? Company officials said it would be the "family-friendly" thing to do. Family-friendly, my hiney!
Those lily-livered Target execs caved in to pressure from radical left-wing femi-Nazi "safety" nuts who want to take away our rights, destroy the constitution, confiscate our guns and Bibles, and turn us all into obedient little tofu-eating slaves!
These pinkos with their Volvos and their Birkenstocks don't know the first dang thing about real safety or real freedom, and it's just real simple:
Until everyone everywhere is armed with high-caliber automatic weapons at all times, ain't none of us truly safe or free.
And I ain't goin' in any Target no more.
Earl Pitts-Gammons, American
Thoughts On Materialism
From the blog Joe Todd's Quality Time, always available in Buster's Links. This a re-posted excerpt of his most recent post.
"Now we are occupying the temple of the Market-God. He organizes our economy, our politics, our habits, our lives, and even provides us with rates and credit cards and gives us the appearance of happiness." -- Uruguayan President Jose Mujica
For his full post, including more info on the remarkable President Mujica, click the link below. It's a good one! As Joe says, I think I'll try to be a little more grateful for what I have.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Two More Hobby Lobby Thoughts: 1. Flawed Logic On The Christian Right; 2. "It's Against My Religion Of Busterism"
Today, my morning paper greeted me with a photo of "Christian anti-abortion demonstrators" celebrating the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision to let certain employers opt out of contraception coverage in their health plan. What a bunch of moralizing morons! On the one hand they'd like to outlaw to all abortions, and on the other they want to cut access to birth control -- those magic little pills which greatly reduce the chance of an unwanted pregnancy, and therefore directly reduce abortions. If you really want society to have the fewest abortions possible, you should be all for the broadest possible access to contraception. But these idiots can't recognize their own flawed logic.
This new and convoluted interpretation of corporate "religious freedom" is essentially court-approved discrimination. It's a Pandora's Box of unintended consequences. Neo-Nazi "Christians"? Nation of Islam? Scientologists? Jehovah's Witnesses? You ready for these sorts of business owners to start exercising their "religious liberties" and deciding for themselves which laws they'll follow and which they'll ignore? And what the hell is a "closely-held" company? Aren't most companies closely-held?
That's the problem when you start letting corporations pick and choose the laws they'll follow based on the boss's religious beliefs. Faith and belief are personal, intangible concepts that can't be proved or measured. Religion is ultimately whatever you say it is. Or what the boss says it is.
I'm a business owner. Suppose I say I have a new religion called Busterism and I am Buster and I am a Divine Being and you better believe in me and pray to me and build me churches and houses and give me money and do what I say, or else. Who are you to argue against my religion and beliefs? By the way, the religion of Busterism teaches that my followers and I pay no income tax, property tax, sales tax, FICO tax, hotel tax or fee of any kind. Our religion does not permit us to deal with organized labor, and we do not believe in paying our employees the minimum wage. Religious belief prohibits us from paying any type of insurance premium. Busterism says that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are evil, and so we claim a religious exemption and refuse to pay for them. We Busterites also have a strong religious objection to picking up our own bar tabs.
If these religious beliefs sound good to you, join the Buster Church, and get off scot-free! Whatever they ask us to do, it's always against our religion.
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