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Irregular commentary on whatever's on my mind -- politics, sports, current events, and life in general. After twenty years of writing business and community newsletters, fifteen years of fantasy baseball newsletters, and two years of email "columns", this is, I suppose, the inevitable result: the awful conceit that someone might actually care to read what I have to say. Posts may be added often, rarely, or never again. As always, my mood and motivation are unpredictable.

Buster Gammons

Monday, May 5, 2014

"Lt.Gov. Mary Taylor -- Close To Criminally Negligent", by Dave Girves

This is a re-post written by fellow blogger Dave Girves.  (You can always find his blog in Buster's Links.)  Dave is in fine form as he flogs Ohio's Mary Taylor for her active opposition to the implementation of the ACA, and for her campaign of disinformation (a.k.a., lies) about Obamacare.  Mary-Mary-Quite-Contrary is both our Lieutenant Governor and Director of the Ohio Department of Insurance.  Sadly, she's qualified for neither position.  Here's Dave:

Letters to the Editor
Columbus Dispatch, 
As head of the Ohio Department of Insurance, Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor successfully kept over 168,000 Ohioans from getting quality, affordable health insurance.  Her actions and inactions come close to criminal negligence. 
The ObamaCare numbers were released on May 1st . . . 45 pages of numbers, statistics, charts and graphs.  And Ben Sutherly’s article on the front page of the next morning’s Dispatch captured the essence of how Ohioans benefited . . . not as much as they should have. 
“About 155,000 Ohioans selected a plan through the federal marketplace.”  But that’s 18% below the Obama administration’s 190,000 goal for Ohio. 
At the same time the 7 million goal for the entire country was beat by 15% in spite of the problematic rollout. 
In New York 70% more people signed up than their target goal. 
If Ohio had surpassed its goal by that same percentage, we would have a total of 322,810 enrollees. 
That begs the question:  “Why did New York and other states do so much better than Ohio?” 
They set up their own state-run marketplace.  Mary Taylor didn’t. 
They explained the importance of having health insurance, that pre-existing conditions no longer mattered, and what real insurance is.  Mary Taylor didn’t. 
They encouraged their citizens to explore their options.  Mary Taylor didn’t. 
But she didn’t simply do nothing.  She aggressively tried to dissuade Ohioans from applying for coverage while making it harder for Navigators to get certified so they could help people through the application process. 
She warned of 88% premium increases because of ObamaCare which turned out to be flat out wrong. And as Ben Sutherly pointed out in Friday’s Dispatch the ‘numbers’ show “the pools of people who signed up in every state are sufficient to keep premiums stable in 2015” as well. 
Ohioans deserve more from their public officials.

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