"Am I an unreasonable person?"
That's what Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) wanted to know yesterday, as he tried to make the case for high capacity ammo magazines as a necessity for home and self defense. He gave an example of a mother who held off a home invader by shooting him five times with her six-shot pistol. He asked what might have happened if there had been two intruders.
"I want her to have the 15-round magazine in a semi-automatic weapon to make sure, if there's two intruders, she doesn't run out of bullets. In that situation, the 15-round clip makes sense."
Does it?

What if both intruders are armed?
What if Mama's a bad shot?
What if the two intruders top her 15-round clip with a 100-round drum?
What if there were twenty intruders?
What if there were roving hordes of zombies? OMG! What are we gonna do??
Yes, Lindsey, you are unreasonable. And you're a fear-mongering, cowardly shill for the NRA. I hope they paid you well for your pathetic little performance.
Your argument and logic are laughable: For proper self defense, Mama always has to out-gun any number of potential bad guys. Mama must always possess superior firepower to meet any perceived threat. Therefore, Mama needs her own personal NUKE!
Just to be safe, you know.
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