Hey, did you know that ostensible Ohio Treasurer and wanna-be U.S. Senator Josh Mandel was a Marine? If you didn't, you must not own a TV. (Or probably you're smarter than Buster and turn yours off.) Young Josh has run two campaign ads so far, and both tread heavily on his service as a Marine, using his boots as a weird metaphor.
In the latest, some fellow Marines who served with him want us to know that he's really not the twerpy little jackass he seems to be, he's a man, he's a Marine, goddam it! And you cannot push around a United States Marine!!
Josh caught some flak for missing every single Deposit Board meeting since taking office. He is supposed to chair these meetings. After finally attending one for the first time, a reporter caught up with him and asked about his prolonged absence. Mandel said that being in the Marine Corps taught him the importance of delegating responsibilities. That's a good one, Josh.
His every answer -- indeed, his entire campaign -- seems to be: "Marine. Republican. Did I mention Marine? That ought to be enough."
Thanks for serving, but no, Josh, that's not nearly enough.
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