Recently, Josh Mandel, teenage GOP candidate for U.S. Senate, told our local fish-wrapper, "I am sick and tired of young people in this country being told they need to get some four-year, liberal-arts degree in order to be successful. The reality is, you can be a lot more successful and happy in life with a vocational degree."
Who knows what prompted this verbal puke-up, but young Josh, a college grad himself, is correct that not everyone will go to college. This ain't Lake Woebegone -- not all of our children are above average. But he's otherwise full of shit. Those with four-year degrees are far more likely to get a job and make much more money when they do than those with associates degrees or high school diplomas. But Josh says, nah, you'll be better off if you don't go to college. 'Cause his grandparents didn't, and almost all his Marine buddies didn't. What more proof do you need? Joshie says he deeply regrets his own degree and wishes he could exchange it for a distributive education certificate of participation.
In the same interview, Man-Boy-del said he was in favor of federal investment in our infrastructure needs, but when asked if he would've supported Obama's Jobs Act, which contained gobs of infrastructure money, said "I'd have to read about it."
Yeah, do that, Josh. If you get the age-appropriate version of the Jobs Act, it's a lot shorter and includes many colorful easy-to-understand illustrations.
What a douche-bag!!
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