The GOP insists that global warming is a hoax, so fuck it! -- let's drill, frack, dig, and pipeline ourselves into extinction ASAP.
Gingrich wants to slash social services and have poor children mop the floors at their schools.
The race-baiting governor of Arizona wags her bony-ass finger in the face of the President of the United States.
Too many Republican governors are fixated on zygote rights, union-busting, and guns for everyone, everywhere, all the time.
Under the pending legislation in Virginia, women who want an abortion will be forcibly penetrated with a sonogram probe for no medical reason.
And Romney drives cross-country with his dog strapped to the roof of his car, and sees nothing wrong with it.
So it's no wonder that a faithful reader offered this thought:

If somehow the Republicans win this fall, do you think we can make a nuclear deal with Iran and have those compassionate Mullahs come in to help liberalize our society?
D** (a faithful reader)
Buster writes back:

Dear D**,
You may be onto something. The Mullahs seem like Eleanor Roosevelt, compared to some of our home-grown conservatives. Could we get them to nuke just the wing-nut douchebags?
Romney says "The Dog enjoyed the ride" LOL