Quien Es Mas Conservative?

Remember the old SNL skit about a Spanish-language game show hosted by Bill Murray? They called it "Quien Es Mas Macho?", and the contestants had to guess which of two actors was more macho. The answer was always Ricardo Montalban.
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was held this past weekend, and it was kinda the same thing, but without the consensus answer. Each of the Republican presidential candidates tried to prove to the audience that he had the biggest, stiffest dick in the race.
When it was Mitt Romney's turn, he asserted that he himself was "severely conservative." What a peculiar combination of words. In Buster's experience, the words which usually follow the adverb "severely" are limited, injured, disabled, or constipated.
In the 2/16/12 issue of Rolling Stone, the incomparable Matt Taibbi fires off a few shots:

"Romney's a hypernervous control freak who flips out if you poke at the paper-thin veneer of his schlock patriotic presentation."
"The robotic Mormon financier looks like a walking OCD diagnosis."
[When Mitt sang "America the Beautiful"] "it was the Mormon-underwear version of Bill Murray's "Star Wars, Nothing But Star Wars" lounge singer routine."
"As his boring-mannequin act crumbled, Romney's true self -- deluded gazillionaire nitwit --was thrust naked onstage."
Mitt, you're just such a doggone easy target!
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