By now, we all know that Gov. Kasich does not have a functioning filter between his brain and his mouth. Any time his lips are moving, some stupid shit is liable to come out.
Last week, he made a remark that, in certain circles, may be even worse than his "run you over with my bus", "cops are idiots", and "I don't need you black people" bon mots.
Speaking in the Cleveland area, King John called himself "a Pittsburgh boy". When some in the audience groaned, Kasich, in his best tone-deaf, smart-ass manner, shot back: "Yeah, yeah, well, when you win a Super Bowl, let me know."
Yo, John-Boy! You're the governor of Ohio, right? Round on the ends, high in the middle? Remember? And that means when you're in Cleveland you love the Browns and the Indians and the Cavs. And when you're in Cincinnati, you adore the Bengals and the Reds.
It's pretty simple, you magnificent moron!
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