We all know that Gov. Kasich is gung-ho for SB 5, which would effectively gut public employee unions in Ohio. This cruel and unnecessary law has sparked tremendous protest and may very well be overturned by referendum this November.
Nevertheless, our Bad King John, with a straight face and no apparent sense of irony, has declared this to be "Public Service Appreciation Week". The press release follows below.
However, the image shows the actual official Resolution document, with a number of revisions scribbled by the Guv himself, wherein he shows his true colors. Apparently, cooler heads prevailed and they went with the first draft.
[If the image is too small, click "View" then "Zoom" on your toolbar.]
MAY 2, 2011
Issues Proclamation in Honor of Public Service Appreciation Week
COLUMBUS – Today Gov. John R. Kasich issued a proclamation honoring May 1-7 as Public Service Appreciation Week, honoring Ohio’s thousands of public employees. Gov. Kasich made the following statement thanking Ohio’s public servants for their work:
“Public employees are community leaders and our neighbors who work every day to ensure that our state and local communities effectively provide essential services. Public employees make it possible for us to enjoy basic freedoms and rights we may too often overlook. They protect us, care for our most vulnerable, teach our children, and maintain our infrastructure to aid commerce and economic development throughout Ohio. This week I ask all Ohioans to reflect on all that our public employees do in our communities, and thank them for the invaluable work they do each day,” said Kasich.
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