It's truth-telling time. I'm a Facebook failure, a total washout. I tried, but I just can't get into it. It's hugely influential all over the world, it's changed the way people communicate, its founder was just named Time's Person of the Year, and meanwhile I haven't even checked my Facebook page in a month.
I joined Facebook a couple years ago, for a very good reason -- everybody else was doing it, so me too! And I could force my teenage son to friend me so I could spy on him via his page. It was OK. I became Facebook buddies with a small, predictable group of family, some old friends, and a few neighbors.
A few things soon became obvious:
1. Adolescent male drivel is no more interesting on Facebook than it is in person.
2. Adult drivel is even worse. I don't give a shit what you had for breakfast.
3. Worst of all, way too many people use Facebook inappropriately. It's THE go-to place for bullying, harassment, and crackpot conservative political/religious ranting.
Is it disingenuous for Buster (of all people) to object to political opinion on Facebook? Possibly, but I believe those who click on the link to Buster's Blog go there by choice and know what they're gonna get. If I go to your Facebook page, I'm hoping for light and breezy, not some bit of ugliness encouraging me to pray for the President's death.
So, in what's certainly an over-reaction, I rarely go to anybody's Facebook page anymore. These days, I almost never accept a friend request. And I had to unfriend a couple of over-sharing acquaintances who had not the slightest thought that they might want to self-censor the stupid shit they posted. Couldn't take it. The result is that while the average Facebook user has 150 "friends", I have about 15.
Facebook is the Land Of TMI. I may visit now and then, but I just can't take up residence. Hence, I fail. Oh well.
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