Kavanaugh Must Withdraw.
tRump's SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh is untenable. His ethical shortcomings -- repeated lies to Congress, personal problems with gambling and debt, alleged sexual assault -- require his immediate withdrawal from consideration. In light of his serious flaws, to ram through his confirmation this Thursday would be a travesty and a grave error for our nation. Such a weighty lifetime position calls for a better nominee. Integrity and common decency demand one.
Please oppose Kavanaugh's confirmation and ask your colleagues Sen. McConnell and Sen. Grassley to do the same.
You and your disgraced party could easily nominate another right-wing ideologue to the Court -- just pick another dog without so many fleas. Then you could confirm him or her in the lame duck after you've (I hope) lost both houses of Congress in the midterms.
I'd still hate your nominee, but at least your process would smell better.
cc: Sen Mitch McConnell
Sen. Chuck Grassley

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