This orange-tufted shit-gibbon sure can fling his feces!
He and his cohorts had a busy week.

We'll begin with one of his admirers, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevins (R).
Bevins is an outrageous asshole and a true Trumpanzee. His legislature passed a new state budget which included higher pay for teachers and more education funding. Bevins vetoed the whole thing on Wednesday. On Friday, with teachers rallying in Frankfort and many schools closed for the day, the legislature over-rode his veto and restored the funding.
Teachers win! Bevins went all Trump-style pissy: He complained that the teachers at the statehouse were
"hangin' out, shoes off, smokin',leavin' trash around, takin' the day off." He claimed
"for a fact hundreds of thousands" of children were left home alone on Friday and were being
"harmed physically and sexually, ingesting poison, and being exposed to drugs." OMG! Did he really say that protesting teachers caused kids to be poisoned and sexually molested? Yes, he did. C'mon, Kentucky! Get rid of this fuck-wit.
Former FBI Director James Comey's memoir came out. In the book, Comey is highly critical of Trump, calling him "unethical," "untethered to the truth," and "a mob boss." Well said! Trump reacted with a typical Twitter tirade, slamming Comey as
"weak," a
"LEAKER & LIAR," "an untruthful slimeball" who
"botched" the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails. He tweeted it was his
"great honor to fire Comey." Sarah Sanders responded to reporters questions about Comey's book by reciting a lengthy prepared harangue on
"the blatant lies of a self-admitted leaker" whose book was
"a poorly executed PR stunt" which belonged
"in the bargain basement bin." Neither Trump nor Sanders would acknowledge that Comey's decision to make public the FBI's Hillary email probe -- just days before the election -- was helpful to Trump, as was Comey's decision to not disclose the FBI's simultaneous investigation into Trump's Russian entanglements. (Wow! Constantly discrediting the FBI sure is a lot of work for the Trumpenstein adminstration!)
The DOJ's Inspector General (is there
really any justice in Trump's Justice Dept.?)
finally released its report faulting former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for "lack of candor" for leaking unauthorized info on the Hillary investigation to a news reporter. This report was the basis for Trump's firing of McCabe last month, just two days before his scheduled retirement. McCabe disputes the report, says he in fact had the authority, and says Trump is going to war with the FBI over the Russia probe. For his part, Trump tweet-crowed that McCabe
"LIED! LIED! LIED!" and called the FBI a
"den of thieves and lowlifes!" (When the world's foremost liar so adamantly proclaims that someone else is a liar, one might reasonably presume that person is telling the truth.)
On the subject of leakers and liars, Trump showed flagrant hypocrisy by pardoning Scooter Libby, former Dick Cheney staffer at the White House. Libby was convicted in 2007 of perjury and obstruction of justice, i.e. lying and leaking. He spitefully and dangerously leaked the identity of an undercover CIA agent, then lied about it under oath. He was fined $250,000 and sentenced to 30 months in jail.
"I don't know Mr. Libby," Trump said yesterday,
"but for years I have heard on Fox News that he has been treated unfairly. So I've done what Sean Hannity said to do." (Dubya commuted his sentence and Libby never spent a day in jail. How unfair!) Trump's pardon is a thinly-veiled signal to Manafort, Cohen and others that their crimes will be forgiven.
Speaking of Michael Cohen, he's in deep shit. The loyal fixer knows all of Trump's unsavory secrets. With all the damning evidence now in Robert Mueller's possession after the search warrant/raid, that loyalty will be sorely tested. Will Cohen clam up or tumble?
This week a former doorman at Trump Tower alleged that the National Enquirer paid $30,000 for his story of how Trump fathered an out-of-wedlock child with his housekeeper. The
Enquirer, a vulgar fake-news tabloid owned by Trump pal David Pecker (
what an hilariously appropriate surname!), never ran the story, a tactic known as "catch and kill." We already know about $130,000 from Cohen to Stormy Daniels and $150,000 from the Enquirer to Playmate Karen McDougal (another catch and kill). And we know of at least 20 women accusing Trump of sexual assault/harassment. Just imagine how many we
don't know about!
It's quite clear that Trump has led the libertine life of a serial sperm donor, an army of lawyers with checkbooks following in his wake, trying to clean up his messes.
So, up to his ass in domestic troubles, Trump deflected and ordered his annual April bombing of Syria as punishment for killing its own citizens
the wrong way. Assad has killed over 4000,000 Syrians in his civil war, almost all via conventional weapons. Apparently, being blown to bits by a bomb is OK, but being asphyxiated or poisoned is not. (Yes, Buster supports the international ban on chemical weapons. Of course. I merely point out the awful double standard.) Trump's "nice and new and smart" bombing demonstration will change exactly nothing in Syria.

One last ludicrous Trumpian tidbit.
A 13 year-old from Parkland, Florida, traumatized by the massacre at MSD High School, sent an email to Trump at asking him to "do something" to "start making gun laws" for safety's sake. The White House emailed him back with Trump vowing to keep up the fight for
"the right to keep and bear arms." (LMAO! These dipshits can't even pick the right pre-fab response.)
Obviously, Trump has many things to hide and will stop at nothing to keep them hidden. He's a criminally unfit fraud as president, and is unforgivably defective as a human being. He's gotta go.
Or as a regular reader in Michigan would put it,
"Mid-terms, asshole!"