Yesterday, out of the blue, the lovely Mrs. Gammons received this email from our Republican Senator, Rob Portman. Our reply follows below.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Condemn President Obama’s illegal prisoner release
From: Rob Portman <>
President Obama broke two separate federal laws when he released five high-level Taliban operatives from Guantanamo Bay without notifying Congress. Earlier this week, I introduced a resolution in the United States Senate condemning the illegal transfer and putting Congress on the record to hold the Obama Administration accountable.
Thousands of Americans from across the country have joined the cause, urging Congress to pass my resolution in the Senate. Add your name to the effort by becoming a Citizen Co-Sponsor of my resolution today.
Together, we can stand up to this abuse of executive power and help make Washington understand that nobody is above the law.
All best,

Rob Portman
June 12, 2014
Senator Rob Portman
Washington, D.C.
Senator Portman:
Thanks for sending the above email to my wife, Kathy, urging her to "condemn President Obama's illegal prisoner release
You may not know that you and Kathy were once K-thru-4th grade classmates at Kilgour Elementary in Mount Lookout, Ohio. You clearly don't know that you sent your email to a houseful of registered Democrats. (Doesn't say much for whoever is managing your database.)
Those Kilgour days were long ago. Kathy, like most of your classmates, enjoys a typical middle-class, working-parent existence. You've led a life of upper-class privilege at the Golden Lamb and the country clubs of Terrace Park and Hyde Park. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but different paths teach different lessons.
We've learned long ago that you and your party do not have our best interests at heart. We've learned that you're just a craven opportunist -- ready to support gay rights only after your son comes out; ready to pose as a hard-ass only after Eric Cantor gets Tea-Bagged in a primary.
We support the prisoner exchange. We brought our man home. Would you really have wanted another outcome? Time was of the essence and President Obama made an executive decision. We believe it was the right one. We support our President. Your call to "condemn" him is highly offensive -- a very poor word choice, Senator.
By the way, if we're counting laws supposedly "broken", it's hard to top your former boss George W. Bush. He lied to America and he lied to the United Nations in order to prosecute an illegitimate war in Iraq -- tens of thousands dead, torture, war crimes, warrantless wiretapping, illegal firing of U.S. Attorneys, and on and on. Pretty impressive. According to the Boston Globe, during his tenure, George W. broke at least 750 laws.
Where was your "condemnation" then? Why did you not stand up to that "abuse of executive power"?
In closing, Senator Rob, we'd like to say:
1. The photo of those bearded bad guys was really scary. If they wore bandanas, they could be the cast of Duck Dynasty.
2. "Common sense" is two words, not one.
We will certainly not be co-sponsoring your silly resolution.
All Best,
Robert G. Jacobsen (aka Buster Gammons)
Kathleen McTigue Jacobsen (aka The Lovely Mrs. Gammons)
John G. Jacobsen (aka Buster Junior)
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