[Blogger buddy Dave Girves also takes the Dispatch to task for their specious editorial policies, and does it with far greater economy than your humble correspondent. How did I miss this two days ago, Dave? Sorry.]

Letters to the Editor
Columbus Dispatch,
I just love it.
In Thursday’s letter, B. Sutton Coffman criticizes Toby Hoover’s earlier letter that suggested gun laws in this country are too lax, by saying “It would be nice if there were some facts to support that position, rather than Hoover’s nebulous claims.”
He then proceeds to list several of his own nebulous claims, conjectures, and opinions without offering a single fact to support any of them.
Let me offer just two facts and ask him to draw his own conclusion.
If you combine the populations of Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, and Australia, you’ll get a population close to that of the United States. We had over 30,000 gun deaths last year; they had less than 1,500.
Is that because Americans are more homicidal by nature, or could it be because those countries have stricter gun control laws?
The number of gun deaths per 100,000 of population in the U. S. is 10.3. Japan’s rate is 0.06. We are 172 times less safe.
Dave Girves
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