Yesterday, the U.S. Senate voted to approve ENDA (the Employment Nondiscrimnation Act). I'm happy to say my Republican Senator, Rob Portman, voted for it. Good job, Rob.
If enacted into law, ENDA would prohibit an employee from being fired merely for being gay or lesbian, which is legal in many states, including Ohio. (Hello, Bishop Watterson High School and Carla Hale!)
Since ENDA seems like a perfectly reasonable idea, the Orange Man is naturally opposed. Speaker Boehner says it will hurt businesses by encouraging frivolous lawsuits and, accordingly, he won't even let it come to a vote in the House.

Boehner is the worst Speaker ever. He's just a career Beltway hack risen to his level of incompetence. He was bought and sold long ago, and is now utterly beholden to the forces who care only about their own bank accounts and care nothing for human rights and justice.
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