Omarosa Whoever-She-Is has a new book out in which she says that
the Abominable Showman uses the N-word, and she claims she has it on tape.
Omarosa, tell me something I don't know. Prima Donald has been using the N-word his entire life, both literally and figuratively. He uses it in his thoughts, words and deeds. Always has, always will.
He has effectively used the N-word when:
He refused to rent to blacks in the 1970's.
He took out a full-page ad calling for the death penalty for the falsely-accused Central Park 5.
He disparaged Barack Obama with absurd "birther" claims.
He said that after Obama, "you won't see another black president for generations."
He called Mexicans "rapists" and "bad hombres."
He called for a wall to be built on the southern border.
He instituted a family separation border policy and established a Baby Jail.
He ordered a Muslim travel ban.
He endorsed police brutality by telling arresting officers "Please don't be too nice."
He refused to condemn David Duke or the KKK.
He said the white supremacists of Charlottesville included "some very fine people."
Post-Hurricane Maria, he has let Puerto Rico languish for almost a year with inadequate power, water, and food.
(But they have paper towels.)
He described Haiti, El Salvador and much of Africa as "shit-hole countries."
He said 15,000 Haitian immigrants "all have AIDS."
He anger-tweets about take-a-knee black athletes, calling them unpatriotic and ungrateful.
(What a land of opportunity we have where large black men can collide into one another and give themselves CTE, all for the enjoyment of the masses. Aren't they lucky to have that chance!)
He insults the intelligence of LeBron James, Don Lemon, Maxine Waters and other black leaders.
He lies about millions of illegal voters and supports voter suppression measures which disproportionately affect black people and brown people.
He referred to a Latina Miss Universe as "Miss Housekeeping."
He calls Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas."
He pardoned Joe Arpaio.
He endorsed Roy Moore.
He supported Marine Le Pen.
He said immigration has "changed the fabric of Europe and it's never going to be what it was."
Yeah, Trump uses the N-word. A lot. In so doing, he enables others to do the same. A friend's recent FB post told of overhearing three old white people talking in a coffee shop. They were telling themselves that black people don't have to deal with racism anymore and there's no such thing as white privilege. They were essentially thinking and using the N-word, implying that blacks should be grateful for all they've been "given." The coffee-shop coots are racists in deep denial.
Of course Trump uses the N-word. He's a blatant, obvious, life-long racist.
It's not news, but it's still a good reason to vote him out and get rid of him and his supporters permanently.