These are the warm and wise people who desperately want to run the country (or believe they are already). Not an ounce of heart or brain in a truckload.
Tea Bag heart-throb of the moment Rick Perry says Social Security is unconstitutional, a Ponzi scheme, and a monstrous lie. He's also told us that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is treasonous and, in Texas, they'd "treat him real ugly." (When it comes to ugliness, Perry oughta know.)
When not consumed with worry about the "Soviet Union", fellow Tea Bag douchebag Michele Bachmann has told us that the recent earthquake and hurricane were God's vengeance for government spending. (These days, God seems to be strangely preoccupied with American politics.)
With complete seriousness, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has said he will do all he can to make sure that any money spent for Hurricane Irene disaster relief is completely paid for with equivalent budget cuts. If not, says Eric the Ass-wipe, all you hurricane victims can just hurry up and die. (You first, Eric.)
Mitt Romney, who has some nice suits and an expensive haircut but not much else on his mind, has echoed the Roberts Court with his opinion that "corporations are people, too." (No they're not, Glove. They're just fuckin' not!)
President Obama wants to address a joint session of Congress next Wednesday to talk about jobs and the economy. Weeper of the House John Boehner told the President, "No thanks, we'll be busy that evening washing our hair." (Jesus frickin' Christ, now we're gonna argue about calendars and our busy schedules? Must every little thing turn into a hostage situation?)
And there's good old (and I do mean old) Ron Paul. He's a Libertarian and an ideologue's ideologue. I give him props for his purity and consistency of message -- his dying words will be something about the gold standard -- but he's strictly Looney Tunes. His sincere belief is that government has no legitimate role in society. None. So, fuck you for good, buddy. You're on your own. (Nice!)
God help us! None of these idiots should run a pop stand, let alone our country.